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Maldon Prom parkrun

My plan for this week was to find a relatively flat, fast course that I can push myself at before running at The Big Half next week, and looking at my options, I saw several events which matched the bill, but I ultimately chose Maldon Prom ahead of the others because I haven't run many Essex-based events recently.

The area

Despite being the site of several battles during Saxon invasions, Maldon has tended to be a quiet parish throughout the years, with its most significant industry perhaps coming from the salt industry, which took off in the area after the creation of the Maldon Sea Salt company in 1882. Promenade Park, the location of today's parkrun, is a hive of activity in the town, and boasts a wide range of facilities, including a BMX track, a splash park, mini golf, and a skate park amongst many others!

Similar to how Mersea Island parkrun, located only a few miles east, is only accessible by crossing the link road at low tide, Maldon is home to a number of other islands in a similar position; the roads connecting to Northey Island and Osea Island are submerged during any time other than low tide!

An interesting event to be aware of is the Maldon Mud Run, which is a 400m run across the river, through the muddy river-bed, and would likely make for an interesting spectator event for those staying in the area for the weekend.

River Chelmer next to the parkrun route

The course

The route follows two laps of the park, on mostly flat route consisting of tarmac paths, grass, and trail. While this is a two-lap course, the first lap includes an extra field, which is skipped for the second loop.

Several pay-and-display car parks are available in the area, and toilets are located at the car parks and near the start, along with a number of cafes and ice cream stalls offering refreshments.

The run

This week was Maldon Prom parkrun's 9th birthday, and so the team had invited participants to wear fancy dress. In addition, this event fell on the last Saturday of the month, meaning it was the monthly pacer run too!

While the pacers were in attendance, I decided that the humidity on the morning meant that I wasn't going for an all-out effort as I originally planned, and therefore didn't really pay much attention to them, but I did hear lots of people mentioning PBs in the finish area!

Runners about to turn into the finish straight

Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers for helping hold such a great event!

After the run

After today's run, I decided to explore the Blackwater esturary, first exploring the promenade where there is a statue of Byrhtnoth, who defended the town during a battle with Saxon invaders.

Statue of Byrhtnoth

After exploring the park, I followed the river downstream to Northey Island, which was inaccessible both because the causeway was submerged, but also because of restoration work taking place on the island to help the salt marshes with the rising tides.

Northey Island, with submerged causeway

The promenade park itself was a hive of activity for the rest of the day, as was the river, which seemed to have an almost constant floatilla of boatssailing up and down.

Boats sailing on the River Chelmer

Links: Results | Strava

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